There are several files available from the following server for the fix related to “Slow” kickoff application launcher response. Download After installing the necessary files, my symptoms with this issue abated. This was not an issue when using the default nouveau driver. I am using the nvidia driver via the methods suggested by leigh123linux at… Continue reading Howto: Fedora 12 slow kickoff solution
Category: Fedora
Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.
Fedora 12 officially released a few days ago. Today I downloaded the latest bits and installed it. Then I went through the typical process of installing the programs I use and updating all the packages. If you want to use the Nvidia or Fusion Nvidia drivers there are some new steps involved with installing the… Continue reading Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition VS. Fedora 11 64 bit edition
To keep it simple I’m referring only to the versions in the title of the post unless otherwise noted. Initial Cost (retail and otherwise) Windows $99-349 Fedora $0-$59 Speed about equivalent for both. Minor variances on this or that but overall not significantly different for everyday tasks. Security Risks: Windows – connected to Internet 18… Continue reading Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition VS. Fedora 11 64 bit edition
GRUB2 Ongoing …. and Outta there!
I was wholly unable to get GRUB2 (v1.96) to perform everything I needed at the same time. I have spent a good portion of the last two days trying. I needed it to be able to boot to ext4 partitions directly. This it performed with ease. I need it to boot to three operating systems.… Continue reading GRUB2 Ongoing …. and Outta there!
Reasons Fedora may be of interest.
1. Security. You will not need to worry about 20 new viruses, worms, trojans or malware programs every day for Fedora. There are very few of these to worry about with Linux. 2. Price. Free for the Download. You do not have to pay for Fedora, EVER. Visit Fedora’s Site. This is also true for… Continue reading Reasons Fedora may be of interest.
Fedora 11 Released!
After two slips in the release schedule, Fedora 11 is now released. There are still some problems if you have an Intel ICH10R or Nvidia C55 RAID controller that you formatted using the Windows driver/utilities. Nothing is perfect. Fedora 11 is considerably better than any version of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or other versions of… Continue reading Fedora 11 Released!
Howto: Fedora 11 “SoftRAID”
There is now a way to install F11 x64 or i686 on a Nvidia or Intel ICH10R RAID that was initially created using Windows. Install Fedora 9 x64 or i686 from the Full install DVD. Partition as needed. Once that is complete, use a minimal install set for Fedora 9. We do this for the… Continue reading Howto: Fedora 11 “SoftRAID”
Fedora 11 will not install on Intel or Nvidia based “soft” RAID.
Fedora 11 x64 as it is currently is not capable of creating a partition on a ICH10R or Nvidia C55 RAID array. Fedora 10 x64 is also impacted. Fedora 9 x64 works as expected. I hope this saves a few of you some grief in attempting the installation.
Fedora 10 on ICH10R not compatible
I’ve been attempting to get one of my servers upgraded to Fedora 10 64 bit. It is occupying a considerable amount of my time of late. I am sure I will have a few posts worth of information about that when I have it completed.
Fedora 10 X86_64 Install on an existing RAID0 ICH10.
It’s not clean and it definitely is not pretty. I was able to get F9 64 bit installed on my Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3r ICH10r based system on an existing “FakeRAID”. I initially installed XP, used the floppy driver method and created a 2X500G WDC SATA II RAID0 array. Next I partitioned it and installed Vista Ultra… Continue reading Fedora 10 X86_64 Install on an existing RAID0 ICH10.