Howto: Backup your data files

I can never overemphasize the importance of this enough. Back up your important data files. Daily. This is a very simple procedure. It takes approximately five minutes. It will save your files. 1) Insert a thumb or flash drive into any USB port on your computer. 2) For Windows copy your “My Documents” folder contents… Continue reading Howto: Backup your data files

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Howto: create a local repository for Fedora.

Creating a local Fedora repository is a great way to conserve bandwidth. You can update all of the computers on your local network from one repository. 1)  Install a web server.  I use apache. su -c yum install httpd -y 2)  Create the directories that become the local repository. su -c mkdir -p /var/www/html/yum/F15/releases su… Continue reading Howto: create a local repository for Fedora.

Howto: fix Gconf error from Firefox

An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for firefox. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly. If you click on details of that error you may see: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks… Continue reading Howto: fix Gconf error from Firefox

Howto: create a custom spin of Fedora 13

Much of the documentation I read on the World Wide Web suggests using revisor to create a custom Spin of Fedora. I find that revisor is not well suited to my needs. I use LiveCD Creator. To install it: yum install livecd-tools -y I suggest you install the fedora-kickstarts and spin-kickstarts packages as well. yum… Continue reading Howto: create a custom spin of Fedora 13

Howto: install Fedora® 13

This is a  simple walk through on how to install Fedora® 13. I presume that you already have Windows installed on your system.   This is not intended for laptops.  If you find that this procedure works for your laptop,  great.  Laptops have a wide variety of wireless devices that can be difficult to configure and… Continue reading Howto: install Fedora® 13

Howto: Securely remove data from a drive.

Many purported security experts believe that reformatting a computer will remove all traces of data. That is just not accurate. Drives can be formatted and reformatted and will still have files that can be easily recovered with the right tools. There are 2 primary ways to permanently remove data from a hard drive. One is… Continue reading Howto: Securely remove data from a drive.