F17 DVD+R/W Install

Steps to install the lastest Fedora 17 to an x64 system when you have Windows. 1)Boot to Windows. 2) Download the Fedora 17 KDE x64 install DVD from the following: Fedora 17 KDE x64 DVD download 3) Burn that ISO file to a DVD+R/W disk. 4) Boot to the DVD+R/W 5) Run the installation.

Fedora 17 ATi Driver

The following is a method of installing the Catalyst Driver in Fedora 17. Open terminal su to root rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm – – yum install akmod-catalyst -y

Ubuntu – Grub2 no longer updating “Other” OSs.

If in Ubuntu Grub2 is not detecting Windows 7 or Fedora or some other OS, try this. 1) gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub 2) Look for a line that reads : GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=”true” 3) Comment out that line by placing a # at the front of it. Like so: #GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=”true” Save the file. 4) Run sudo update-grub2. 5)… Continue reading Ubuntu – Grub2 no longer updating “Other” OSs.

Why does copyright matter?

Someone, meaning well, posted one of my solutions verbatim to the Intel community forums.  Whether they got it here or someplace else is irrelevant. When the poster was notified, that they had violated my copyright,  they promptly removed the post in a very timely and mature manner.   I appreciated that. Let me make this perfectly… Continue reading Why does copyright matter?

Improve your relationship with your consultant

1. Never use the phrase “it’s not rocket science”  in reference to computers or computer science.   You will be correct.   Computer Science requires a much higher level of dedication and personal time invested in learning than rocket science does.  The principles of physics that govern rocket science have changed very little in 100 years.  Gravity… Continue reading Improve your relationship with your consultant