Windows 7 Hype

There seems to be quite a lot of this around today. Various news sources are ramping up the fufara and fanfare for or about Windows 7. I have installed the Release Candidate of Windows 7 on my QX9650 powered workstation. I am not terribly impressed. Windows Vista and Windows 7 have a feature called Relibility… Continue reading Windows 7 Hype

New Video Card, more RAM, Vista asks for activation again.

I installed a new Evga GTX260 core 216 video card into my E8400 based workstation. The video card generates a considerable amount of heat. This caused a hard drive in the E8400 workstation to get close to it’s temperature limits. I moved the card to the QX9650 workstation instead later in the evening. The QX9650… Continue reading New Video Card, more RAM, Vista asks for activation again.