GRUB2. Well 1.96 …. Something like that.

Yesterday I installed Kubuntu 9.10.    The process was fairly straight forward and painless.   Then I went to my /boot/grub folder,  searching for menu.lst to update with all the proper partitions.   Much to my surprise there was not a menu.lst in sight.   Kubuntu 9.10 uses GRUB2 not GRUB legacy.    Especially when you want ext4 partitions that… Continue reading GRUB2. Well 1.96 …. Something like that.


There is a new security update for Adobe Acrobat Reader. There is a new version of Adobe Flash Plugin for security.  All operating systems.  – 10r32 There is a new version of WordPress for security. 2.8.3 There is a new release of Firefox for security – 3.5.2 New Kernel for F11. An entire rollover… Continue reading Recent UPDATES

Microsoft Office 2010 Why?

There is a lot of hype today in the Press about Microsoft Office 2010 and all the bells and whistles related. Why wait for Microsoft to offer a solution when is available NOW? is available for every common operating system there is: Windows, Linux and Mac Microsoft Office is just for Windows and… Continue reading Microsoft Office 2010 Why?

Firefox 3.5 is now available!

It’s extremely fast too! Firefox 3.5 is twice as fast as Firefox 3 is. The look and feel of the interface has not changed.  Most plugins are readily available now. You can download the latest Firefox by clicking on this sentence.

Fedora 11 Released!

After two slips in the release schedule, Fedora 11 is now released. There are still some problems if you have an Intel ICH10R or Nvidia C55 RAID controller that you formatted using the Windows driver/utilities. Nothing is perfect. Fedora 11 is considerably better than any version of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or other versions of… Continue reading Fedora 11 Released!

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