Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.

Fedora 12 officially released a few days ago. Today I downloaded the latest bits and installed it. Then I went through the typical process of installing the programs I use and updating all the packages. If you want to use the Nvidia or Fusion Nvidia drivers there are some new steps involved with installing the… Continue reading Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.

Technology costing analysis. Why you pay for Sparkling wine, instead of the draft.

I have formal training and certifications including: Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, US Government certified Terminal Area Security Officer, with various other lesser certifications. I have 25 years of data technology experience. I build some of the fastest servers. The fact that my profession requires more of my personal time than most other professions to be… Continue reading Technology costing analysis. Why you pay for Sparkling wine, instead of the draft.

Fastest Servers on earth for compiling Apache web server 2.2.11

I now have the 3 fastest benchmarks for compiling Apache web server version 2.2.11. The server I build that out performs everything else is the ECC® Sabre, which I build on a case by case basis. The results are published at Phoronix If you are interested in ordering an ECC® Sabre or any of the… Continue reading Fastest Servers on earth for compiling Apache web server 2.2.11

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition VS. Fedora 11 64 bit edition

To keep it simple I’m referring only to the versions in the title of the post unless otherwise noted. Initial Cost (retail and otherwise) Windows $99-349 Fedora $0-$59 Speed about equivalent for both. Minor variances on this or that but overall not significantly different for everyday tasks. Security Risks: Windows – connected to Internet 18… Continue reading Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition VS. Fedora 11 64 bit edition

Fedora 11 Released!

After two slips in the release schedule, Fedora 11 is now released. There are still some problems if you have an Intel ICH10R or Nvidia C55 RAID controller that you formatted using the Windows driver/utilities. Nothing is perfect. Fedora 11 is considerably better than any version of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or other versions of… Continue reading Fedora 11 Released!

Categorized as Fedora Tagged

Howto: Fedora 11 “SoftRAID”

There is now a way to install F11 x64 or i686 on a Nvidia or Intel ICH10R RAID that was initially created using Windows. Install Fedora 9 x64 or i686 from the Full install DVD. Partition as needed. Once that is complete, use a minimal install set for Fedora 9. We do this for the… Continue reading Howto: Fedora 11 “SoftRAID”