Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.

Fedora 12 officially released a few days ago. Today I downloaded the latest bits and installed it. Then I went through the typical process of installing the programs I use and updating all the packages. If you want to use the Nvidia or Fusion Nvidia drivers there are some new steps involved with installing the… Continue reading Fedora 12 officially released. Not ready for prime time.

Windows 7 is finally released

Windows7 is now available. I am not terribly impressed. I have been using the Release Candidate Technical Preview of Windows7 Ultimate 64bit edition for about 7 months. A few comparisons: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit takes 20 minutes to install and approximately 4 hours to get all the “right” stuff installed. Fedora 11 x64 takes… Continue reading Windows 7 is finally released

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition VS. Fedora 11 64 bit edition

To keep it simple I’m referring only to the versions in the title of the post unless otherwise noted. Initial Cost (retail and otherwise) Windows $99-349 Fedora $0-$59 Speed about equivalent for both. Minor variances on this or that but overall not significantly different for everyday tasks. Security Risks: Windows – connected to Internet 18… Continue reading Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition VS. Fedora 11 64 bit edition